Natural and Organic Beauty Magazine

Autumn Hair Care Tips From Siam Seas’ Founder, Supadra Geronimo

Autumn is an ideal time to recharge the moisture within your locks and give your hair a rejuvenating boost. But if at this point you’re still clueless on how to give your hair the proper care it needs, you’ve come to the right place.

The founder of Siam SEAS, Supadra Geronimo, gives advice on the best way to heal and repair hair cells before winter arrives and shares her personal DIY hair mask recipe, as well.   

5 Tips for a Healthy Hair this Season

  1. Wash your hair with a natural shampoo. Choose clean formulas that are made without Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), Paraben and Polyethylene Glycol.  Siam SEAS has a great collection of natural hair shampoos that are effective for different hair types. The collection addresses healing flaky dandruff, repairing damaged and dry hair, strengthening roots to help with hair loss and boosting shine for normal hair. They deliver amazing results.
  2. Do not use your nails to scratch your scalp.  Remember your scalp is skin. Scratching your scalp will create inflammation and potentially cuts and abrasions that will require healing.  Instead, use your fingertips to gently massage your scalp with the shampoo.
  3. Always use hair conditioner and or treatment on your scalp and locks after your shampoo. The conditioner will provide nutrients and balance the moisture loss on your scalp.  Especially those with oily hair, it is very important to moisturize your hair and scalp with conditioner to help balance oil production. It is a myth that putting conditioner on the scalp creates more oily hair.  
  4. Use a hair mask or leave the conditioner on longer. Wrap your hair with a hot towel for a few minutes while you are in the shower.  Siam SEAS hair treatments are a hybrid hair conditioner and mask. You can use them daily or weekly and each collection is designed to target a different outcome.  Once you rinse off the shampoo apply Siam SEAS hair treatment from scalp to ends. Wet towel with hot water, wring the towel and wrap it around your hair and scalp. Leave on from a few minutes while you shower or while having a glass of wine in a bath.  This is a great way to restore your hair’s health.
  5. Avoid blow-drying or wet brushing your hair. Instead, gently towel dry your hair while massaging your scalp.  While your hair is damp, take a few drops of your hair oil (if you do not have hair oil a facial serum will do) and apply on the end of your hair.

Want to do your hair care routine your way? The next section features a hair mask recipe from Supadra Geronimo that you can actually do on your own!


Create a fresh hair mask from your own kitchen pantry one lazy Sunday and have fun with your self-care ritual. This is a personal hair mask recipe from no other than the founder of Siam SEAS.  Hair masks are very effective in boosting the nutrients in your hair cells. Enjoy the gloss!

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil or facial serum
  • 2 tablespoons of warm rice water (soak dry brown rice in very hot water for 5 minutes and allow to cool to warm)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of Cacao powder
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/2 banana
  • A couple of drops of apple cider vinegar


Mix into a thick pudding.  If it needs more liquid, add more rice water.

Apply the paste on your scalp first and down your locks. Use a damp hot towel to wrap around the mask.  Rinse it off as the last step of your shower or leave it on for longer.

Autumn signals the coming of a dry and wintry season. While the jolliest season of the year is about to start, you should also be aware of the harsh elements that could easily damage your hair. Brave the coming months with a healthy-looking hair through the tips and practices shared by the Siam Seas’ founder, Supadra Geronimo.

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The Ultimate Guide To Zinc Oxide For Skin
Profile Image Marine Krivenko

Marine Krivenko

Senior Beauty Expert and Copywriter
I'm Marine Krivenko, armed with an MBA and a deep passion for every aspect of the beauty industry. From the initial spark of a brand concept to the strategic intricacies of market positioning, my journey has been one of continuous exploration and achievement. I specialize in turning visionary ideas into reality, guiding brands to not only succeed but resonate deeply with their audience. My approach combines strategic thinking with a keen insight into the evolving beauty landscape, ensuring that every step we take is both innovative and impactful. In this ever-changing industry, I am committed to leading with excellence and inspiring others to discover the beauty in strategic innovation.

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