Welcome to our circle of experts at Alyaka Magazine, where each author brings a wealth of experience spanning the vast landscapes of beauty. Our team is not just passionate about natural and organic beauty; they embody a deep understanding of the power of inner beauty and the importance of nurturing it with conscientious choices. With backgrounds rich in diversity and specialisation, we are eager to share our knowledge and insights.
Profile Image Alina Laktina

Alina Laktina

Seniore Beauty Expert and Copywriter
As the co-founder of Alyaka, I combine my MBA-acquired business acumen with a profound expertise in the beauty industry to curate a unique retail experience. My journey in beauty is driven by a passion for sustainable and effective solutions that enhance well-being. I deeply understand the impact of beauty ingredients on both our skin and our environment, which guides Alyaka’s mission to lead in offering conscientious and high-quality beauty options. Beyond my professional endeavors, my love for adventure manifests through snowboarding and yachting, activities that reflect my belief in the importance of living a balanced and enriching life.

Elena Tsvet

I'm Elena Tsvet, armed with an MBA in strategic marketing and a heartfelt passion for beauty. My world revolves around understanding and shaping the future of beauty through strategic narratives that resonate deeply with our audience. My travels and encounters across the globe have enriched my perspective, allowing me to see the innovation and soul behind each brand. Outside of work, I cherish the simplicity of cooking and the mindfulness of meditation, which not only fuel my creativity but also keep me grounded. In every story we share and product we introduce, I aim to capture the essence of true beauty—its power to connect, transform, and inspire.

Profile Image Ingrida Adomaytite

Ingrida Adomaytite

Junior Beauty Expert and Copywriter
I'm Ingrida Adomaitite, where the realms of art and beauty seamlessly blend. My background in the beauty industry has equipped me with a unique lens through which I view and share the world's beauty. For me, beauty is not confined to the conventional; it's an art form, a universal language that speaks to the soul. My mission is to inspire others to see the beauty that surrounds us, to understand its depth, and to appreciate its power to transform. Join me on this journey of discovery, where every moment is an opportunity to encounter the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Profile Image Marine Krivenko

Marine Krivenko

Senior Beauty Expert and Copywriter
I'm Marine Krivenko, armed with an MBA and a deep passion for every aspect of the beauty industry. From the initial spark of a brand concept to the strategic intricacies of market positioning, my journey has been one of continuous exploration and achievement. I specialize in turning visionary ideas into reality, guiding brands to not only succeed but resonate deeply with their audience. My approach combines strategic thinking with a keen insight into the evolving beauty landscape, ensuring that every step we take is both innovative and impactful. In this ever-changing industry, I am committed to leading with excellence and inspiring others to discover the beauty in strategic innovation.

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